Saturday, 12 May 2012

Hide/Visible the particular row or column based on their condition:

Step 1: Do right click on any row or column on table.  

Step 2: Select the Row visibility option.

Step 3: You can see the options like, Show, Hide, Show or hide based on an expression   
Choose any one based on your requirement.

Ex: =  iif(Sum((Fields!dow_ut_wrk_dur.Value)>20,false,true)

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    How do i hide and unhide the column based on row toggle...

    My report looks something like this

    Category Product OrderId Amount

    Bevrages Cooldrinks ORD123 120

    So if i group on Category and display the Sum of amount, on hide of row product and OrderID will be blank. So in that case when it is + i want ti display Category and Amount and when it is - i want to display all columns
